You can figure out your lean body mass yourself fairly accurately or you can go your local gym, your YMCA or YWCA near you and they can do the test at no cost or low cost. You can also check out the health departments at your community college too.
Or you can go on Amazon and order a kit like this by clicking on the image below. It costs $8.99 and seems to work pretty darn good. Just click on the image and it will take you to it.
Care Touch Skinfold Boddy Fat Measure

What about Ketone, Glucose Meters? Here are two different complete kits here from Amazon. Just click on the images. I did not test my blood when I first got started, but it can definitely help make things go faster although you do not have to do so. It will let you know where your insulin levels are and if you are in Keto. It takes all of the guess work out of it. But, you do not have to do that, however, if you want to, it can be a step up..

As a general guideline. I do an 18 hour fast with a 6 hour eating window. This seems to work great with men. Women seem to do better with a 16 hour fast with an 8 hour eating window.
I also have one Cheat day once a month where I still stay on the IF schedule, but eat anything I want within reason. Ughhhh… first time you try it, you will feel like something that cat drug in. Again, your call you do not have to cheat.
I do not count calories as at the end of the day anymore. Once you figure out what works for you for say the first two weeks you will know what is what. Measure everything when you are first getting started.
Here is the app that I use to track things when I do track things. Easy to use and has tons of useful information. It is important when you first start out to measure everything so you have a good idea as to how much you need to eat to reach your macros. Make sure you track Net Carbs those are what count.
Click on the picture below and it will take your right to it or Click Here!
Easy to use and it is FREE!

Just a note. I am trying to figure how to justify my time in putting this all together and keep things current. In that, so far, I do not exactly make a ton of money from giving this information away as you can imagine LOL, I am trying out a few things. Here is what I am doing to try and allow me to put more time into this and have some of the rest of my team contribute as well.
1. I am using this site as a testing ground for new systems for our clients and our other businesses, like the auto-responder and funnel system for instance and some other Ninja-marketing tricks. If you are in business like I am and looking for an edge. I may share what we find out. So, if you are on this site, you are a guinea pig. Just letting you know. Thanks for helping!
2. If I am using a product or service and I really like it and I can recommend it, I will put a link to the product/service and might be able to make an affiliate commission, if I can, like with the book or product links to Amazon for instance. The last time I looked, over 3 months we had made about $12.43 LOL. Not exactly making a fortune but, it does help cover about 2 weeks of hosting here. 🙂 If you have any suggestions, I am all ears! I will not put a product on here that I do not and will not use or just to make money from it. Even though I do get hit up to do so. To heck with that, just not my cup of tea.
3. So, since the more the merrier, I am also looking for YOU perhaps to help by sharing your Keto/IF story here as a guest blogger. If you are interested, drop me a line.
This should be enough to get you started. It is far more information than I had. Although this is by no means everything that I do. I am actually almost doing putting together a book on my Journey called Eat Fat And Get Skinny, that is pretty close to being done. You can pre-order it now and get access to some cool stuff I am only going to charge a few bucks for it and it gives me more of a chance to explain things and it has more of my tips and tricks that I have learned on this journey to really step up my game in this journey.
Also, go to the link in the menu and sign up for the Newsletter! You will get cool stuff on a regular basis!
More things that you probably want to look at…
This is some of the best Magnesium I have found. I just mix equal parts flakes, with equal part hot water and you have magnesium oil which I put on my Skin. Most people are magnesium deficient especially when you do Keto. I also take a Magnesium Supplement. If you are getting cramps, this is more than likely the culprit. See the video below.

I use this instead of Sugar. This is the ONLY sweetner that I have found that does not spike blood sugar although I have been getting reports from people that Monk Fruit works as well. I have not tried it yet.
Organic Stevia Extract Powder, White, 4 Ounce

This is the Vitamin K2 that I take. In conjunction with Vitamin D, it can help restore calcium to my bones. teeth, and I am convinced it helps me burn fat too.

Collagen can help your body in a lot of ways. It can make the apperance of your skin look better, help with joint aches and pains, and help rebuild your gut wall so that you can digest your food better.
This is the one that I use.
OK, I love these Snacks. They are Grass-fed and do not have any junk in them. Click on the Image to get yours! 😉