Andrew’s Adventures In Intermittent Fasting Day #30

Andrew’s Adventures In Intermittent Fasting Day #30
Andrew’s Adventures In Intermittent Fasting #30 – Pretty soon I am just going to be calling it Andrew’s Everyday Adventures as this is fast becoming the new normal. Can’t imagine ever going back to 3 squares a day and feeling sub-par all of the time. If you decide to do this and then go with normal eating, you will know what I am talking about. Who knew they I spent the better part of my life probably only running at 80 to 85% tops.
Anywhoodle, just glad I figured this out. Nothing too much to report other than I am noticing quite a bit of muscle mass developing. Been pushing my exercises slowly and it is showing. Do anywhere from 100 to 150 squats a day and will take them back up to 300 to 400 here pretty soon. Easy peasy stuff.
The brain fog is clearing out quite nicely as well. Be interesting to see what things are like at day 60 and 90. Nice to not be carrying around an extra 10 pounds of fat with every step. Did a couple of miles walking today and figured that if you take that into account with each step it is BUNCH. So you figure 2,000 steps per mile, x 10 pounds equals 20,000 pounds that I did not have to lift and move in total per mile! Kind of amazing.
The pic is of a Dwarf Magnolia that I grow inside. The smell is like nothing else.
Happy Fasting!

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