Andrew`s Adventures In Intermittent Fasting Land #Day 102
Going to post some awesome quotes from one of the best books I’ve ever read on the subject of ketosis why you do not want
Going to post some awesome quotes from one of the best books I’ve ever read on the subject of ketosis why you do not want
This post is a wrap up of the benefits of my Intermittent Fasting journey so far and why it works so well. Definitely better than
Well, when I actually pull off 8 hours of sleep on this, you pretty much turn into a machine as far workflow. The ability to
Proving A Negative Note to self… I need to write these down every day. On #31 I noticed I had some weird cravings for
Andrew’s Adventures In Intermittent Fasting #30 – Pretty soon I am just going to be calling it Andrew’s Everyday Adventures as this is fast becoming
Update on the 19th Day: I love to experiment with different things. So of course I decided to experiment with this and I have not
Updated: July 16, 2020 – YES, You can drink COFFEE while you are fasting (during your fast) and doing keto. Here is why…
Ever wonder why going on a diet where you eat less calories is so hard and did not work long-term? Here is the science behind
Insulin Resistance and how it works against you. Great video by Ivor Cummins. Short and sweet and to the point.
Like most of what we have been told about our diet, Salt might be right up there in the incorrect information column. Take a look
Have had a ton of people ask me about Exogenous Ketones. My choice is C8 oil and some Grass Fed butter or Ghee. The butter
https://youtu.be/4rvkLIEAJ7M These are so good. Let me know if you try them out!Cheers,Andrew
I am going to be putting out a lot of my research materials in the next few weeks and some of actual Experts where I
So as many of you know I don’t follow a lot of the so-called gurus anymore because I’ve found so many holes in what they
Dr. Rosedale’s book was one of the first books I read after my first 30 days of self-imposed information black-out when I started 6th Gear
This is one of the easiest things that you can do to help your success with IF and Keto. So simple but people blow this
So this is for those of you that want to take it to the next level. Let me know what you think.
You can also use 1 teaspoon of vinegar and not add any yellow or other mustard. Just the dry. 🙂